Oppenheimer : a New Year Review

Finally had a chance to watch “Oppenheimer” fully. A very good story about a man with an achievement for his country, but at the same time, destroying another country.

It is complicated for me though as a person who have been living for more than 2 decades, spent half of my life in Japan, the country that has to experience the consequences of Oppenheimer’s hardworking, devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

His dedication to the science, loyalty to his country, finally win over his moral qualms toward the humanity, which he at the very end still struggles to justify his act.

Interesting story to enforce myself to do the self-reflection about what I have been doing and where I am heading to. Because at the end, we are all heading to the same direction, the end of our lives.

I start asking my self intensively, what kind of achievement I want to make in the rest of my time and what kind of end I would love to have. There when I am grateful that I believe in God and have been blessed with a path that has no doubtful about it, my religion. Being obedient to God on correct path will bring us being kind to human, being friendly to environment, and being useful to the society.

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