Where Should We Start?

Two weeks at Indonesia, enjoying the nostalgic feeling in every activity both at hometown Makassar and my wife’s hometown, Tasikmalaya. When I write this essay I just arrive at Osaka International Airport, heading to Itami, riding on the bus while screening some blocks of warehouse in the distance.
It’s always this feeling every time I come back from Indonesia. Looking at this country, Japan, everything is in order, in beautiful harmony with clean environment, all make me feel jealous and keep asking to myself, how can I make my country be like this country? Indonesia with abundant culture and religious society combined with everything-in-order people. Wow, it’s a big dream! It will need either well-planned culture evolution or drastic culture revolution lead by gov’t. How can I take a role in this change is still a puzzle for me. While the incapability of doing anything to take a part, make me feeling dazzy.
One thing I know for sure, the change will take years and the effort will need a large number of agents of change in every fields of society. The change will face a great opposition from everyone that feel comfortable with what we have now in Indonesia. But we do need this, surely need a change to make a better life and a better country. But back to the question again, how can I take a part and where should I start?

2 pemikiran pada “Where Should We Start?

  1. Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.
    Pak Arif…hajimemashite…watashi wa Nyayu desu ^_^…well, teman saya Pak Erus merekomendasikan site dan fb bapak, mengingat ketertarikan saya untuk bisa pergi ke Jepang tapi tak tahu bagaiman harus memulai. Saya sendiri saat ini berkerja sebagai guru honorer di SMK yang sama dengan sensei Erus…saya mengajar bahasa Inggris…tapi saya bingung, adakah cara termudah u/ bisa belajar di Jepang? dengan beasiswa atau apa? saya sendiri seorang single mom dgn usia anak yg baru akan mencapai 3 tahun.. blog bapak sangat inspiratif…mudah2n sy bisa mengikuti jejak bapak.mohon masukannya…domo arigatou gozaimasu^^

    1. Salam kenal mbak Nyayu, welkam di blog ini. Mbak Nyayu bisa mulai dengan mengumpulkan informasi sebanyak-banyaknya melalui internet. Tidak ada jalan yang mudah untuk kuliah di LN, termasuk di Jepang. Semua ada harganya. Tapi good news-nya adalah, insya Allah kalau berusaha keras dan pantang menyerah, semua orang punya chance. Ganbatte kudasai.

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