Share a vision

It is hard when you have vision while the people among you can’t share the same thing. This is what I face for a couple of months for now. I was a lonely hardworker who used to build dreams and take actions to achieve goals, I used to spent nights facing my computer to build a system or a business plan. I was doing greatly because I mostly work alone without restriction of doables and not-doables, the reason I am in the company I work now is because I want to grow up bigger and spread the wings to the limit of mine.

So here I am, among people who can’t speak my languages contrary to the fact that I speak them with their own language. But even I can make jokes and deliver a presentantion in front of them in their language, I still have obstacles when I have to speak about vision of mine. The vision about a company which misteriously I like so much, not because I like the salary they give me, but because there is something deeply in my heart make me sure that this is where my destiny will be created.

Our company is not as big as P&G and even only have 1/5 of Shiseido Cosmetics, but we have an old history which last for 80 years this year. Our company managed to survive the wildest business climate in the world, Japan. A country where claim will be delivered only because the customer find a piece of hair attached to the outer cover of the products. A country where 1000 companies plead for bankrupcy every month but then create more than that in the same month. And we are start to having difficult time just like others in this long crisis time.

I just have a dream that my company can survive this crisis time by reforming the IT technology being used in all aspects, production, marketing, management, etc. But it is very hard to explain things that only exists in your head. So here I am, wasting hours to draw a flow chart, make a bunch of explanations with a language that I started to learn 8 years ago. I will have to keep insisting until the old fashioned guy in the Information Center willing to hear this idea. My first email is 4 weeks now and still no answer, although the assistant to director always tell me that they are still discussing the matter. I will probably loose much by being persistent with my idea, but I still believe that I will be able to share this vision. Not only for me, but also for this company, because I love this company.

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