Will be nonbiri weekend?

After struggling with a tight schedule due to updating proccess of http://anaknegri.com I guess this weekend will be a little bit peaceful. Although, I still have to prepare for presentation in Garuda next tuesday, the project is not as complicated as anaknegri.com so I feel a little bit free.

The system I have to make to compete with other 3 contestants is a system which will provide an online system to serve PPI Kansai ticketing. This is not purely business becauseI also have to consider the PPI Kansai as our organization which eventually will serve me too. At first I offer a semi-free bid, if I am appointed as the developer I will not ask for any cash or percentage, as a payment I only ask for space to put my ads in PPI Kansai website, but finally the committe made a draft of agreement which offer percentage and the possibility to run the ticketing service. Well, I guess that fair enough.

We’ll see can I convince Mr.Fahmi about the program I am working on or not.I have enough self convidence about the concept I made, it is just the matter of time I think. Well, at least I still have 3 days to work it out.

Will this weekend be a peaceful and nonbiri weekend? maybe not, yet.

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